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Traduccions sol·licitades - Cicoutinho

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Resultats 1 - 2 d'aproximadament 2
Idioma orígen
Anglès Being the managers of everything:
Being the managers of everything:
sometimes I do know exactly where his keys are, but I let him stew until he finds them."

Complaints, instead of a clear request for help: "unless I'm out of underwear, it doesn't cross my mind that the laundry's piling up. Doing over what's already been done: my wife will wait until I leave the kitchen, and then I hear her rearranging the things I've just put in the dishwasher. Or after I've finished the laudry, she'll refold the towels! How can it matter so much?"

Traduccions finalitzades
Portuguès brasiler Sendo os gerenciadores de tudo: